Hey Everyone,
So this week was very Strange! So to start off, at the beginning of Tuesday morning, we get the text from the Sisters in the District that Sister Holm, you know... the Bad A--. Well, her Dad passed away on Monday. So, all of us were really kind of just shell shocked. Then we realized, we had to face this girl in one hour. We didn't know what to say, how to act, or anything like that. I was the hymn chorister and I've never been more stressed in my life. How many times do I look at her? Do I look at her? Do I ask her to give the tune? Would that be rude? Would that be more rude to not have her give the tune? I was a nervous wreck trying to conduct up there. My District Leader was even more freaked out. He asked her to read a scripture and all of us in the back just gave a silent applause and just thought, "Man, that guys got guts!" It was just an hour and a half of avoiding the big elephant in the room. Then her companion got up and just announced that her companions Dad died and we should give a few words. If it wasn't awkward before... well my friends, it was at that moment. Especially since no one got up for like 1 minute. (I fought so hard not to laugh. I've always had a problem laughing at the worst situations!!!) But we all got up and gave our condolences. I got up and shared Ashton's experience and told her how he said it was the hardest week of his life. (Also, I have a way of making awkward situations even MORE awkward) She just started bawling. So, I thought I may have strung the wrong note there. But I've also lived with the idea that if you make a speech that make woman cry, you've done well. So... I'll leave it up to the reader to determine how I did. It's not as bad as another Sister who got up and started off by saying, "I'm going to start off with a joke." Then continued with how she had a dream in which her family died. The punchline? "My dream was fake. This right here, this is a reality." Freak. No one really laughed. The only noise came from Sister Holm and her tears. (What's funny? Her name is Sister Ben.)Elder Treadway has been transferred from the Ghana Cape Coast Mission to reopen the Liberia Monrovia Mission.