Hey Everyone!
So this week, I received some interesting news of a lifetime. As my companion and I were walking home Saturday night, President Stevenson gave me a call. I missed the call though and when I called back, he was busy. I continued to call back every three minutes. When President calls, it isn't just to greet or something. He meant business. So, as I waited, I thought off all the things it could be. Emergency Transfer? yada yada yada. He finally called and started out by saying that he had some interesting but exciting news for me. I had no idea what it could be. Then he said, "The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles..." When he said that, I knew. It just clicked. He told me that my mission had been reassigned and that I will be serving the last six months of my mission in the LIberia Monrovia Mission. I was completely overwhelmed. I just stopped walking, took myself to an alleyway to talk to him. Tears flooded to my eyes from so much emotions. He explained that the Quorum of the Twelve are sending five missionaries from the mission to Liberia and that the Brethren labeled us "exceptional missionaries that can create a positive culture for this mission". President then began to say how proud he was of me and that he wished he could join me on this journey. I was just breaking down on the side of the road. So the details are these: 5 missionaries are going. All of the lIberian missionaries are going back to LIberia. So two of the five are from liberia and going home. The other two just hit their year marks. So I'm the oldest American going there by a long shot from my mission. I'm expected to go between the first to the fifteenth of September. On the 15th, the new missionaries from the MTC will be coming, so they want us there before to set everything up. I'll have to have a meeting in the Area office before I shoot out and president is trying to get us into a Temple Session. First time in over a year for that so that'll be nice. If you are still wondering what's going on in my mind, bewilderment. To be counted worthy by the Lord to reopen a mission is an incredible and overwhelming feeling. Still trying to grasp it. It's not easy. Unexpected. But I'm excited for the adventure!