Hey Everyone!
So this week was not easy by any means. The work really did not progress as we had hoped and we fell much lower on the lesson spectrum then we were shooting for. When Weekly Planning came around, I kind of snapped! I kind of took my ADD and harnassed it and used it to make on of the most effective weekly planning's I've had. I just erased my white board and just went through each Key Indicator getting names. We haven't had an investigator at church for awhile. So I took one girl and just told my companion, "I don't care if anyone does not come to church. But this Girl! We are going to do everything we can to get her to come!" So, we are gonna see how it goes!

Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day for me! We had church which was normal and during the end of the day, I got a call from the Sister's. One of my Sister's said that she needs a priesthood blessing, that she is sick. So, we head over to their apartment only to find out that she isn't sick, but just really stressed. The STL's weren't very happy about it for some reason and chastised me. Shake it off. So we gave her a blessing of comfort and left. When we got back, I collected numbers and all that good stuff. But one of the Elder's in the apartment wasn't feeling to well. So he took his temperature and it was 103.3. Sister Stevenson told him to go to the hospital so his companion and him left. Elder Wadsworth and I thought it might be a good idea for us to tag along. So there we go, trekking out at
9:30. We were at the hospital till 1 in the morning. The Elder had to go through alot of tests for Malaria and he was pretty miserable. He had to get an IV cord, plenty shots in the butt (which we all laughed pretty hard at), and sugar tests. Finally, we were able to make it back. To say I'm tired doesn't even scratch the surface. But all is good in the hood. I love you all and pray for you all!