So everyone, Happy New Year!
New years was very fun here. At
midnight, I was awoken to the sound of fireworks surrounding us. No fireworks are illegal so they did work. They go hard for New years. haha. But it was pretty cool. Elder Antwi and I had a great week. Now that the holidays are over, everything is now seeming to get back to normal. Back to the same ol same ol. It's fun too because we are seeing the progress of not just people but areas. We have certain areas that we are putting in a lot of focus in order to spread the church farther out here in Tarkwa. It wasn't easy at first but now we are seeing the fruit of our labors. One of the areas we proselyte in, Boboobo, is about one hour away walking and we go there about everyday. We are starting to get a nice teaching pool going on the way there which is nice. So yesterday I got transfer news and found out that Elder Gqweta is the new Assistant. I can't explain how Excited I am for that. I get to see him more often and he is now my leader again. So that will be really cool. Well, Love you All. Have a great week.
Elder Treadway