Monday, November 3, 2014

October 27, 2014 Hi Y'All!

How are you all doing??? Hope you are all doing well. Elder Barlow and I had a great week. So this week, we have been teaching a woman named Rose. We sat down with her for the first time and started talking to her and getting to know her. We asked her what church she goes to and she said that she goes to Roman Catholic. One of my favorite questions to ask people is what in the Roman Catholic church drove them to that church. She told us that she used to go to methodist but her child died two weeks after he was born. Because of her depression and frustration, she stopped going to church. Then her friend said that she needed to go to church so she went with her friend to Roman Catholic. Elder Barlow and I then bore our testimonies about the Plan of Salvation and how she could live with her child again. We then opened up Moroni and read to her how little Children don't need to be baptized. She just started crying. It was pretty sweet to see this woman, who had carried this burdon with her for some time find relief through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Very sweet. Well, hope you guys have a great week. Love you all. Continue being Awesome! 
Elder Treadway