Hey everyone!!

So, I'm gonna start off by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! Hope you had a great day yesterday!!! So this week has been a great week. Elder Barlow and I have definitely been putting our foot down on the Gas Pedal. Working hard! And Working Smart! Because we all know if you work hard but not smart, it's pretty pointless. You can push as hard against a boulder as much as you want but if you don't do it right, it wont budge. (Yes, I just thought about that metaphor and i thought it was awesome. I patent it. Even if someone else has come along with that Metaphor.)

So this past week was full of plenty finding. Using whatever means. I've focused on quality street contacting. It turns out pretty well here. Well, for me I guess. Vibes came from one. Cynthia came from another. We've also asked plenty people for referrals. We were able to get some this week. We also had some people stop us on the road and want us to "preach" to them. We thought they weren't serious but... they actually came to church yesterday so I guess they are serious! So yesterday, I had an interesting experience I have never had before. We went to a ladies place called Sister Sabbah. There she always feeds us fufu, every week. It's soooo nice. But she gave us plenty fufu yesterday, with two good size fishes. I worked hard, and I'm a very slow eater, but I was able to eat it all. I was soooo full. Just when I thought it was over, Sister Sabbah came out with Magic Malts!!!! Yay!!!! I don't mind malts but when my stomach is already in overload, it's not good. So I downed it and tried to get out of there as soon as I could. When I was out of their sight, I turned into the bush and just upchucked it all!!! It was not nice at all but I felt much better after!!! hahaha. First time I've ever thrown up from over eating. Actually, probably the first time i've ever over ate. Well, hope you guys have a great week. Love you all. Try to find those missionary opportunites. Pray for them and then find em.

Elder Treadway