Hey Everyone,
So this week has been an extremely quick week. So last week I bought some sauce for French fries that is called Frite Sauce. Frite sauce. Never heard of it but worth a shot. It says on the bottle that it is great with Potatoes and French Fries. So I tried it. I guess Frite Sauce is another word for Mayonnaise. Well that sucks... but wait. I remembered Fry Sauce. And that changed my whole entire world. I eat fry sauce like every day. lol. Ghanaians love ketchup and they love mayonnaise, but they never mix them together. Oh boy, I'm gonna blow some people's minds. Since they don't know what it is, what should I call it. Treadway's Secret Sauce? The Tread Sauce? The Saving Sauce of Salvation? (I like that one because it's got a ring to it).
So this week has been a good week. Transfers came and everyone in the whole zone is staying here. Throughout the whole mission there was only 8 moves. It was somehow anticlimactic. But whatever. It just means six more beautiful weeks here in Greenhill. And I mean it. I love it here. The people are sweet. The members are awesome. It's just always a sweet day. Well, not always. But most days it's awesome. So with Vibes, we found out his penalty. Drum roll please... 600 cedi's for a penalty. 600 flippin cedi's!!!! So in total, he has to pay 730 cedi's before he can be married to his date. So, we just prayed. Elder Beck and I have been praying for Vibes to find a way to pay this Bride Price. And, we got an answer. Not really the answer we were expecting though. Vibes brother called him and asked him to come work with him in Tarkwa which is like 4 hours away. He said that if he works for him for a month, then he'll pay him 1000 cedi's. So Vibes left
sunday for Tarkwa and won't be back for awhile. But our prayers were answered. He'll be away from his date, avoiding sin, and earning the money to pay the Bride price and will eventually be baptized when he comes back. The Lord works in mysterious ways and this definitely will be the best way. Well, I love you all. Keep up the great work.

Elder Treadway