Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the no email yesterday. It was too busy yesterday and someone was not in the mood to email so here I am today. Yesterday, It was E. Guymon's birthday, and he is going home
tomorrow, so we had a zone activity where we went to the beach, played some futbol, and ate some pig. We have a fijian in the zone who took care of the pig for us. He did work, but I payed the price last night and all day today for it. Not easy kra!
So we had a wonderful experience this week. We got a call from a woman name Elizabeth who said she wanted to meet with us. We had no idea who it was or how she got our number. But, we said we would meet with her. So we went and it turned out it was a girl that Elder Guymon and I contacted while we were on exchanges. She wanted us to "preach" to her but we didn't have time, so we gave her a pamphlet and told her to read it and give us a call. So here we are, three weeks later, she has read the pamphlet and she gave us a call. She excepted a Baptismal Date for
March 29 and the happiest thing of all is... she came to church
on sunday. We have been fighting to have people come to church since our area is so far away from the chapel and it's so expensive for these people to take taxi's to come. But she came, sweating all over, and not happy. She had not realized that the walk to the chapel from her house was a 30 minute walk. But, she seemed happy later. I had to fight people to fellowship her but in the end, it was alright. All is well. Elder Antwi and I are staying together, and Elder Ike, a Nigerian missionary is replacing him, leaving me in an all african apartment. Should be fun! Love you all. Hope you are doing well.