Friday, August 9, 2013


Hey Everyone,
Just when I thought I was not going to hear from Brian for two weeks, due to the fact that we were told there was no emailing from the Missionary Training Center in Ghana, I get this picture today.  Brian arrived this morning around 7:20AM our time.  That was about 24 hours of traveling.  I  had no idea how he was doing.  I was praying for some sort of notice that he got there okay and was happy.  So this is the tender mercy of the Lord.  One of Brian’s best friends, has this cousin (in the picture) that just happened to be in Ghana today.  He found Brian as soon as he arrived and took this picture with Brian.  What a blessing!!  He is happy.  This mom and dad’s happy!  So not long after we got picture from Brian’s friend’s family, we got an email from Brian.  Read below and you can see how well he is doing.  Oh, my world is good again!!!  What an answer to prayer!

Love you all, Kristi